So in January of 2011 I decided I wanted my love of photography & graphic design to reach more people, more families. A chance to fill their homes with memories of their kids, and their families growing. New love with engagements, seniors before high school becomes just a memory, and everything in between.
I'm not going to lie, making extra money on the side is a beautiful perk,
but not the ONLY reason I do it.
One of my favorite part of my parents home is their photos. Their ENTIRE hallway in their home is made up of their memories. And when I say entire, I MEAN IT. Floor to ceiling their hallway is covered with old photos, new photos, vintage photos of my grandparents and great grand parents. Awful school photos of myself with a hairdo I probably INSISTED on doing myself, cause clearly my Mom wouldn't of let me walked out the house like that for school photos if she had done my hair. I hope that some day I can share the love of these photos with my son (when he "gets it"). Show him how much these memories have meant to me, and the importance of holding onto good times in your life, NO MATTER the awful hairdo.
My favorite photo on the wall (I'll have to paint a picture for you) is the one of my folks probably in their first years of marriage, black and white (my favorite), if it was color, I'm sure the sofa their on is an awful orange or green color plaid. My mom's hair is straight to her face and the majority of the space in the photo is taken up my my dad's giant afro. LOVE IT. I see if every time I come out of their bathroom, it's right at my eye level, and I giggle to myself each time I see it. It's my favorite on the wall, probably my most favorite of them ever. Young love, long before us kids were grown, my brother and I might not of even been born yet, when life was more simple. Perfection.
With that being said. When I capture photos now, it's not just for a hobby any more, but to share my love of photography, love of family, cherished memories. Some priceless moments for clients.
As an artist I've learned over the years, that not everyone will love what you love. I've had many new clients in 2012, and even more referrals this year then last. I've watched as families have posted and reposted their favorite photos on facebook, on blogs, and the like. These photos I'm posting below, might not be their favorites, but after going through all 33 sessions I had this year, these were certainly mine. Maybe not for their smile, or the pose, but perfection in my heart.
I CAN NOT thank my clients enough for these opportunities.
My cup runneth over.
Hope every one of you have a happy and safe new year!
- Lauren Ellsworth of Ellsworth Designs

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